Reviews and publications

Prof. Dr. Remigijus Venckus

Vilnius TECH – Vilnius Gediminas University of Technology

Art on the topic of ecology (…) A. Palavenis’ work also shows that science (or a mind receptive to science) can provoke new artistic ideas, and art can realize and aesthetically convey science. (…) 2023.09.24.

Art critic Gytis Oržikauskas

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

Essentialism in Alisa Palavenis’ painting exhibition “Alisa’s Miraculous Morphoses” (..) These objects shine in the paintings in their original colors, unfaded by the atmosphere, light and shadows (…). However, unlike purist painting, which looks for primary and stereotypical earth colors, the painter introduces bright cyan and emerald shades in her works as a counterbalance to the sharpening natural tones of the depicted objects. (…) Nr. 25 (1474), 2023-06-23. and

Art critic Gytis Oržikauskas

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

Inspiration of creators (…) Icons – including cultural ones – are relevant only as long as they are visited, as long as they are invited and included in personal experiences, and in this case – the painting of A. Palavenis. By creating an imaginary voice of world painters on a new topic, A. Palavenis transforms and deepens her own creative vision and perception. (…) 2023-01-05.

Art critic Gytis Oržikauskas

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

The essence of everyday life: Alisa Palavenis painting exhibition “Non-laboratory experiments” (…) The paintings of A. Palavenis, inspired by the influences of abundance, will tell you about the methods of seeing the world established in the modern tradition of Western painting. The author’s attention to the details surrounding her testifies that sometimes the specialness should be sought not in the environment, but in the observer himself. With particular attention to detail, the entire surrounding world can turn out to be worthy of an artistic experience. (…) Nr. 38 (1445), 2022-11-25.

Doctor of Humanities Salomėja Jastrumskytė

Member of the Union of Lithuanian Artists (lt Lietuvos dailininkų sąjunga)

Reductio ad absurdum ecosystems (…) Nature is not only trying to live with the inclusions of human indolence. It tries to hide them in the dust of matter and life, despite the chemical trickery, because the Anthropocene is crumbling and clouding with poisoning. Absurd performance of the Anthropocene – this is how poetically the oceans and sea coasts look, licked by plastic colors and shapes, where art and nature are mediated by the author of these photographs. 2022.04.

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